Standardized Learning

How do we, as human-beings, learn? Does it differ? What is the best way for us to learn?

Of course these are culturally dependent questions, but primarily focusing on Western cultures,  these are the precise questions that Western scientists have set out to answer. They begin by studying and collecting data based on children's behavior in the classroom, and then standardize the results for the age-appropriate population as a whole, and then consider that "normal". And we, as parents, listen to the "experts" without question; if the experts say our children should reach a milestone at this particular age and they do not, then automatically there is something wrong - why are they not the same as their peers? They're the experts, right? The fact is, that each generation discredits previous generations proven scientific "facts" while that they impose their newly proven "truths" onto our progeny. While some children are able to function and perform well under the newest rigid academic demands, others are often lost and have their natural gifts and inclinations suppressed through the learning templates the school systems have adopted. If we take a look at the learning styles around the world, many other cultures do not have a single, standardized way to learn. Many other cultures understand and appreciate that children learn and develop in a stair-like pattern, leap forward, plateau, and leap forward again, but at their own pace . There is no correct way to learn and they often let their children blossom into their own natural unique gifts when they are ready. 

This begs the question if our own culture invests too much time and energy into the immutable word of the scientist rather than investing in our own children and their unique gifts. Read this intriguing article to find out more and decide for yourself.

Kate Rogers, Psychometrist and Administrative Assistant

Birch Psychology



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